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How to Create a Profile as a Booker

Ovationz offers a single source to find top-rated talent to spearhead your virtual events. First, you’ll need to create a Booker profile so you can start connecting with speakers in your niche. Here’s how.

1. Create Your Account

Sign up for a free Ovationz account. Click the Log In button at the top of the home page, then click Sign Up.

 You’ll input your email address and password. 

Then you will need to confirm your account in your email inbox before proceeding to the next step.

Example verification email:

2. Add a Profile Picture

Once you’ve confirmed your account, you can continue dressing up your profile. Make sure you choose the Planner option after you confirm your account.

Start by adding a profile picture so our Talent can put a face with your name. We suggest using a 1:1 photo (same length and width) for the best results.

3.Include a Biography

Tell Speakers about yourself, your company, and why they should work with you. You can mention here if you work on behalf of a company or if you’re a solo event organizer. 

4. Start Searching!

Once your profile is up and running, you can start searching for Talent right away. Filter your search with more than 200 topics, price rates, and more so you can find the best fit for your event. 



6. Input Your Details.

Confirm your date and time, then input your name and contact information. Share any additional details that will help your speaker prepare for the event.


7. Complete the Payment.

Ovationz processes payments through Stripe. Once payment is confirmed, we notify the Talent to accept or reject the booking within the desired timeframe. Planners will receive an email confirmation when the Talent accepts or rejects the booking, or if the timeframe to reply expires.