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How to Throw a Memorable Virtual Event

Today's world has become completely digital. We have lived through a pandemic that has transformed everything at great speed, opening up new opportunities. Luckily, many of those changes are positive, for example opening the door to virtual celebrations and incredibly special online events.

memorable virtual event

If you have had to organize an online event, surely a little help will come in handy. For this reason, at Ovationz we came up with a few keys to a truly memorable virtual celebration. Something unique, that will leave a positive mark on the participants.

Although the pandemic has transformed many things, there is one that did not change: business goes on. For this reason, in a purely digital context it is also possible to organize your meetings in a special way. We tell you how to get that wow effect at your next event.

How to Throw a Memorable Virtual Celebration: 5 keys for (a massive) Success

From our point of view, there are no universal secret formulas for the success of your virtual celebration. Therefore, it will not do much to apply these ideas if there isn’t a good foundation.

That means that the first and most relevant thing to ask yourself is what is going to make your virtual event stand out? Why is it going to be so special? Setting that goal from the beginning will help you get the most out of our tips.

Let's show it with an example. Imagine that you want to organize an event in which you are going to gather the entire financial team to assess the annual balance sheet. Perhaps what will make this event special is that it will be an incredibly fun experience.

From there, it is easy to understand that hiring a comedian to conduct the event can be a great decision. And what would happen if you choose a colorful and animated design for your virtual presentation? Or if you include a video where participants talk about the funniest moments in the office during that year?

All of these seem like successful and coherent ideas that match with your virtual event, right? That's why setting your goal first, your starting point, is crucial. That's what will make everything else flow, and the resulting overall experience truly memorable. From there, let’s get you some additional ideas!

how to throw a virtual event

Plan from General to the Specific

If you're aiming to host a memorable virtual celebration, pacing is going to be crucial.

Therefore, we recommend that you start with a global vision of the experience. Something similar to this:

  • When will the event take place?
  • How long will it last?
  • What platform will we use?
  • How many people are involved?
  • When will I contact the participants?

From that general vision, it is much easier to make specific decisions. Thus, once you know the date of the event and its duration, you can set the times for each presentation, intervention, etc. Knowing the platform will help you assess the deadlines and ways to connect, as well as the requirements to participate.

Having an overview of what you want to achieve will help you create a magical event. Make sure you go from the general to the specifics, and never the other way around!


Bet on Professionals to Conduct Your Virtual Celebration

Thanks to that digital transformation we were talking about, it is easier than ever to level up your event.

Making it memorable is as easy as hiring specific talent that fits your event like a glove. If you're looking for humor, bring a comedian. Do you want to talk about finances? You can hire people online with a voice in that field!

Platforms like Ovationz help you manage this in a matter of minutes and adapt to your budget. With the right talent, you can leave your participants speechless. Nothing elevates a virtual event like the intervention of an amazing professional.

Avoid Passive Events

Another common error in the organization of online celebrations is making participants passive consumers of information. They join the event, listen and leave.

Encouraging the participation of all people, even in a small way, will improve the experience of the overall audience. Therefore, make sure to involve everyone, generating expectation and enthusiasm for the event. This will make the meeting truly memorable.

memorable virtual events


Cut the Fluff

The last idea we want to leave you with is to stay away from big and complex formats. It is not necessary for your event to be full of effects or activities.

Our recommendation is that you focus from the beginning on the idea of ​​“less, but better.” Keep that in mind and it will be easier for you to differentiate the wheat from the chaff: Make it so that every speaker, presentation, and activity is meaningful. Align it with your goal. If something is going to be part of your virtual celebration, make it as special as it can get.

Since people have a limited attention span, especially in virtual formats, remember that if there is too much going on you could lose your audience. Connect with them making your event clear, dynamic but to the point. It is a winning formula.

Key Takeaways to Throw a Truly Memorable Virtual Celebration

If what you want is for your virtual celebration to be truly memorable, at Ovationz we recommend that you start by setting a goal.

From there, be consistent, and make sure that everything you add to the event clicks; that it fits naturally. Go from the general to the specific so you don't forget anything, and make sure that people actively participate. Avoid what that does not add value, and focus on improving what is really important.

We can't put together a memorable virtual celebration for you, but we can help you take your event one step further. If you want to have a truly unique speaker that elevates the experience, take a look at our catalog. Good luck!

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